Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pencil Scene

This was the rough-draft to my second in-school-assignment was to create a scene with only using pencils to create it. My scene was at a park with a paper air plane flying through the air. there was a pencil tree to the left of the page, but got cut off by the scanner.

Playing Card

This was the rough-draft to my first assignment this year in art class was to design my own playing card using the designs in other playing cards. We had to have five different heads facing in different directions.


My assignment was to draw something that scares me because we were nearing Halloween time. I couldn't think of anything that scared me though. So I decided to draw something that "creeps" me out. My original idea was to draw a spider crawling on my hand, but as you can see, it didn't work out to well with the hand idea.

Diamond Ring

I don't think that this is one of my better drawings. I had to design a piece of jewelry and I didn't want to "design" one. So I just did a plain old diamond ring.

Rotten Apple

For this homework assignment, I was supposed to draw something "not pretty." So I'm thinking to myself: "What can I draw to represent ugliness. Then my mom gave me the idea of rotten fruit.


I spent a lot of time on this homework project. I had to draw my favorite sport or hobbies. I'm usually not good at drawing hands, and so I'm surprised that i did so well on this particular picture.

Ice Cube

This was one of my first homework assignments this year in art. The assignment was to draw something melting. So what do I draw? An ice cube. My teacher really enjoyed it. I'm quite proud of this picture actually. I drew it using an ebony pencil.


This is another one drawn during conference. My dad had a magazine, and my mom found this picture in it. Thought it would be funny to draw, and then name it "Dad."


I love my dog. Drawing him is so fun. He makes the funniest faces and acts so silly. I drew this one during conference.

Yoda #2

Yoda's face is hard to draw! All of his wrinkles and slight hair on his head. his ears are weird because they are both different.


I got bored watching conference one year and found a picture of Yoda online. I then proceeded to draw this picture by the time conference was over.

The Mutant Goldfish

The story behind this cartoon: My friend from 7th grade sat by me all year. We would finish our assignments early and we were then allowed to "free draw." We would doodle these pictures just to see how tacky they could get. This is one of the few that survived.

7th Grade Snowman

I created this project in The 7th grade. The assignment was to create a "cool" color painting using the cool colors on the color wheel. I created the "snowy" effect by dipping an old toothbrush into white paint and running my thumb through it to "flick" the paint onto the picture. Thus, snow.